IPSearch.io May Site Update

2 min read
IPSearch.io May Site Update
We have had a great start here at IPSearch and are looking to grow over the summer. It's been a while since I have updated every but today I come with a few items to share. As always, we want user feedback and since we do development in house, we have the capability to add and update tools as our users see fit.

1) Update to Xenforo 2.3 Beta

As many of you know, this website utilize Xenforo as a platform and all the tools are written as a Xenforo add-on. We recently upgraded to the beta version of Xenforo 2.3 and look to expand the features we offer over the summer. Specifically we plan to utilize webhooks to automate different workflows.

2) Update to IP Lookup Page

We recently added "IP Reputation Check" and "IP WHOIS Lookup" to the results page for an "IP Lookup". You will just need to click the link that appears above the geolocation map and it will automatically return the result for the IP address you previously entered.

This prevents the user from having to copy the IP address and then re-enter the IP address on those respective pages.

3) Update to recent activity email

We realize not all our users will visit the website every day. We have expanded our articles add-on to include an email that will be send out every 14 days to users who have not logged in and opted to receive the email. This email will include recently articles and users can of course unsubscribe if they change their mind after opting in.

4) Articles displaying on tools page

We realized that some of our articles may be beneficial to those using our tools but they were not showing on the tools page. We've updated many of our tools to show the articles at the bottom of the page that are relevant to each tool. We plan to continue to refine this over time.

5) Continued update to style and UX

The user experience is of the upmost importance to us. We've worked hard on updating the site to be clean and easy to navigate. Much of those work has centered around our navigation panel and sub navigation panel. Please continue to provide feedback.

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