IP Lookup

IP Lookup

Lookup any IP address for FREE!

Use the IP lookup tool to see the geographical information about any IP address and also details on the type of connection and service provider. This tool will also display the geolocation of the IP address on a map.

The information below is provided with each search:

  • Internet Service Provider (ISP)
  • Organization
  • Connection type
  • Continent
  • Country
  • Region, state, or province
  • City
  • Zip code
  • Latitude and Longitude
  • Map of IP location

So how accurate is IP geolocation data?

IP Geolocation data is collected from ISPs and the accuracy is good across North America and Western Europe (see data below). Geolocation data from other parts of the world is less accurate and approaches 55% for accurate "city". A city is considered accurate if the IP is geolocated within 40km of the physical location.


Why is IP geolocation data not 100% accurate?

IP geolocation data comes from different database and each database may report the location of an IP address differently. IP blocks are assigned to different regional registries who then assign IP addresses to companies. Determining where these companies use each IP address is the challenging part.

In cases where the geolocation of the IP address is not known then the companies corporate office may be listed in the IP database. For example, Microsoft IPs often show as Redmond, WA, even when the user is elsewhere. Other reasons for IPs not being precise is the use of a VPN or proxy to hide the real IP and location of the user.

We still believe IP geolocation data is useful and mostly accurate. The accuracy is especially good for larger regions such as country. We caution users to use the results ini a responsible manner and understand the results are not 100% accurate.

How do I get someone's IP Address?

There are a number of ways to get someone's IP address but in general this person would either need to access a website or service that you administer or send you an email. The IP address can be found in the website logs or the headers of emails.

You should only attempt to obtain someone's IP address if you have a legitimate reason to do so. This typically means you offer an online service or need to report abuse.

What do the results of a lookup mean?

Each IP lookup will return ten fields and a warning message if the IP has abuse reported against it. The ten fields returned during each lookup are as follows:

  • ISP: The internet service provider (ISP) associated with the IP address
  • Organization: The organization or company who uses the IP address
  • Connection type: The type of connection, such as Dialup, Cable/DSL, Cellular, or Corporate
  • Continent: The continent where the IP address has been geolocated
  • Country: The country where the IP address has been geolocated
  • Region: The State, Provence, or Region where the IP address has been geolocated
  • City: The city where the IP address has been geolocated
  • Zip: The zip code where the IP address has been geolocated
  • Longitude: The longitude where the IP address has been geolocated
  • Latitude: The latitude where the IP address has been geolocated

IP address identified as VPN or proxies may also be identified beside the "connection type". Many corporate connections also happen using an VPN.

How do I report IP abuse?

If you are experiencing harassment or other harmful activity from an IP address then you should report it and when appropriate partner with law enforcement. It is important to remember that sometimes IP addresses are being used to conduct harmful activity without the owners knowledge.

  1. Retrieve the IP address from the logs / headers
  2. Use the IP WHOIS Lookup tool to retrieve the WHOIS data for the IP
  3. Report the behavior of the IP to the "OrgAbuseEmail" or "OrgAbusePhone"

How can I check the reputation of an IP address?

Once you lookup an IP address on this page you will be informed if the IP address has negative reports against it. The message will appear above the IP address and the geolocation map. If no reports exists then no message will be displayed.

If you would like to make an inquiry directly against an IP reputation database then you can do so on ipsearch.io by visiting our IP reputation lookup tool

The following information is provided:

  • Total reports
  • Distinct users reporting
  • Last reported date
  • Abuse confidence score
  • and more...

Who manages IP addresses across the globe?

You might wonder who is the global master of IP addresses and well we kind of have an answer. IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) is responsible for managing IP addresses and is managed by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).

IANA sends IP blocks to five RIRs (Regional Internet Registries) who distribute IP addresses within their region. The five RIRs are as follows:

  • ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers)
  • RIPE NCC (Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre)
  • APNIC (Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre)
  • LACNIC (Latin America and Caribbean Network Information Centre)
  • AFRINIC (African Network Information Centre)

You can read more in our article on IP Address Governance and Allocation.

Why did you start IPSearch.io?

Let's face it, we were not the first to provide IP lookup services on the internet. Our story begins with our founder starting a now large message board in 2011. Go Canes!

Andrew quickly noticed that the moderator features of the message board software could be improved upon and wrote and released a free Xenforo 2 add-ons called [Andrew] Moderator Panel. This add-on remains one of the top rated add-ons on Xenforo.

One of the features of this add-on was displaying IP geolocation data within Xenforo, opposed to having to click a link. After implementing this feature, Andrew realized that IP lookups could be improved upon and set out to create a modern IP lookup site. In January of 2024 IPSearch.io was launched.

Who is Rowdy Solutions LLC?

That is the name of the name Andrew gave to the company that owns this website. Rowdy is his eleven year old dog that Andrew adopted with his wife when they got back from their honeymoon. Rowdy is a good boy and his favorite food is tacos.
