• The release notes in this forum are sourced directly from MaxMind and include updates that may impact the IP lookup feature on this website. IPSearch.io exclusively utilizes the MaxMind GeoIP web service and does not use the GeoLite database.

Anycast flag available for CSV format databases


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The Anycast data point is now available in all CVS format databases—and, as announced in a prior release note, it’s also available in all GeoIP web services and all MMDB format databases.

In most cases, the addition of a new field to CSV databases should be a non-breaking change, but we recommend checking your integration to make sure that it can accommodate the addition of new fields.

The field is present in the following GeoIP databases:

  • GeoIP Country database
  • GeoIP City database
  • GeoIP Enterprise database

GeoLite databases

The Anycast field has also been added to the CSV version of GeoLite geolocation databases, but the new field is intentionally blank. This allows the GeoIP databases to continue to be drop-in replacements for GeoLite databases, so that it’s easy to upgrade.

The field is present in the following GeoLite databases:

  • GeoLite Country database
  • GeoLite City database

Confirming your integration allows for new data points

The new field has been added to the Blocks CSV files: {GeoIP2,GeoLite2}-{Enterprise,City,Country}-Blocks-IPv4.csv and {GeoIP2,GeoLite2}-{Enterprise,City,Country}-Blocks-IPv6.csv

The new field name, is_anycast, has been added to the right of existing fields and the cell will either contain 1 (if the network is an Anycast network) or be blank (if it is not). The overwhelming majority of networks are not Anycast, and so this field will be blank in most cases.

If you’re not sure whether you’re using the MMDB format, the CSV format, or both, you can learn how to check your account’s database download history to determine whether you are downloading CSV files.

Please use the following example CSV files to test your integration:

We have also updated our tutorials on importing GeoIP databases. Please see relevant links below:

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