WHOIS Lookup

WHOIS Lookup

Lookup the registration details of any domain!

Use this tool to lookup contact and domain details about any domain. This is useful if you are attempting to contact the owners of a domain, report a domain for abuse, lookup name servers, or check the registration and expiration date of a domain.

The information below is provided with each search:

  • Registrar
  • Registration date
  • Expiry date
  • Name servers
  • Registrar WHOIS server
  • Admin contact information
  • Registration contact information
  • Technical contact information
  • and more!

How do I report abuse from a domain?

f you are experiencing harassment or other harmful activity from a domain then you should report it and when appropriate partner with law enforcement. It is important to remember that sometimes domain owners may be unaware that harmful activity is being conducted using their domain.

  1. Record the domain you are experience abuse from
  2. Use the WHOIS lookup tool to retrieve contact information for the domain
  3. Contact the domain or registrar using the abuse email or phone number

What do the results of a WHOIS lookup mean?

A WHOIS lookup returns registration details of a domain. The contact details will either be that of the domain owner or a proxy that serves as the contact for the domain.

The WHOIS lookup contains the following registrar information:

  • Registrar WHOIS Server: The organization or company who owns the IP address
  • Registrar URL: The mailing address of the organization who owns the IP address
  • Updated Date: The phone number of the organization that owns the IP address
  • Created Date: The mailing address that abuse reports should be mailed to
  • Registry Expiry Date: The email address that abuse reports should be emailed
  • Registrar: The email address where technical information regarding the IP address should be sent
  • Registrar Abuse Email: The registrar email address used to report abuse
  • Registrar Abuse Phone: The registrar phone number used to report abuse

The results of a WHOIS lookup has phone, email, and address contact details for the following:

  • Registrar: The organization that processed the domain registration. This is the company that the owner of the domain uses to manage their domain name.
  • Registrant: The contact information for the organization that registered the domain or a proxy acting on before of the registrant.
  • Admin: The admin contact information for the organization that registered the domain or a proxy acting on before of the registrant.
  • Technical: The technical contact information for the organization that registered the domain or a proxy acting on before of the registrant.

What does WHOIS stand for?

WHOIS literally stands for "who is" and is not a acronym. WHOIS is a protocol used to query ownership information for domains and IP addresses. WHOIS lookups are especially useful because they provide information on the person or organization that registered the IP address. In many cases the organization tied to the IP address is the Internet Service Provider (ISP) that assigned the IP address to the user.

When you execute a WHOIS lookup you are requesting information form a RIR about an IP address. IPSearch.io specifically performs WHOIS inquiries using whois.arin.net:43.
