I just wanted to say that you for this site/service! I just found out about it today on the XenForo forums here:
I've been looking for another site to replace whatismyip for IP address lookups on my sites for quite some time now, that aren't full of so many ads that the page takes 5 seconds to load. So, again, I just wanted to register so I could say thank you for this service!

Return of banned users - how reliable is a v6 IP-address as a criteria?
I do not have many bans in my forum, just the usual troll a couple of times a year. Today, a new user registered and the spam protection went alert, telling me that the IP of this user would be identical to a troll I banned last year. It is an IP v6 address for the matter. Typically we have...

I've been looking for another site to replace whatismyip for IP address lookups on my sites for quite some time now, that aren't full of so many ads that the page takes 5 seconds to load. So, again, I just wanted to register so I could say thank you for this service!